Page 6, VERY old art, from around 94 or so
This was made probably a year or so after the game for the SNES was made. Alllll the way back in 93, this was probably done in 94 or so. So this is REALLY old stuff! Made on my old Performa 6200 macintosh back at home, on a program called "Clarisworks 3.0". Under this, you can see how I went about planning this. I actually have all these drawings you will see below, as full color pictures, but I never printed them.. and now they're stuck on my modem-less mac! >.<
This is the plans. What I would do is put the game on pause, and draw it. I don't think I ever drew Andross.. But i can't remember, and I can't find my sketch of him either, if I ever did draw him that is.. Even though the plans are set up nicely like this though, we didn't have a scanner, so I still had to redraw everything. Thats why accuracy is important.
Plans for Corneria (thats level 1)
Plans for Sector Z
Plans for.. a level I forget the name of..
The next few pictures were done as a joke. but some of you may not find them as funny, as you will, extremely disturbing.. I'm warning you now, so Don't go writing me horrible e-mails complaining about your outrage! You have been warned.. Proceed at your own risk..
Okay so I'm setting in  the lunchroom in middle school, don't now exactly how it came about, but Me and a friend draw a split pic of a power ranger, and I, of course.. drew the totally beaten the hell out of side. If ya can't tell, I hated, and still hate.. the power rangers. But don't be afraid.. This was just kinda fun.. random insane violence! Yeah I bet you think I have issues now.. but like I've said before, aren't artists supposed to be crazy? >=)
I had such a blast with dismembering Billy, I decided to do another! This pic's even got it's own disclaimer. For good reason! And obviously, both sides are dead this time.
Now we have Kimbery, and note that, the mirror image line thing is gone now. But yeah.. I think she's dead.. Are you afraid of me now? muahahaha...
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This stuff be mine. (that means copywritten).

..why oh why would you steal this..?!?!