Page 5
Now this is quite the accomplishment. I drew this outside at my friend Brian's, cottage. I started it at like 2 or 3am or something, in the dark, and finished it around maybe 5am. So the lighting changed, and I had to try and compensate. I'm still reasonably satisfied with it.
A simple sketch of an empty classroom
Oh my god.. the HORROR! Look away! Oh fine.. if you MUST look.. this is my first attempt ever.. at Felicia.. It's by far, one of my scariest drawings to date.. The face.. the chest.. ugh! If i were to say one good thing about this, it would been that the shading (though it makes her look like a man..) is pretty good.. Can I burn this?
Awhile back (obviouly) one of my friends was doing these drawings with a pen, or his hands and stuff. It looked pretty cool so I made up some designs to put on myself.. And my dad spazzed when he saw it! Ink poisoning.. pff..
My attempt at some evil guy. He looks more totally messed up, and high.. than evil..
The Matrix! I put a few spots on the tape, on pause, and drew them.
It's that weird stuff again.. By now no doubt you think I have serious issues, and perhaps you're right, but just remember.. I on;y did this to fill up pages, because we HAD to have 25 pages a quarter, and I had no idea what to draw!
Yet another Fox picture. I would put this in with the Fox section, but it's old school art damnit! So there ya go. You can see, this is a transistion drawing between the old fat Fox of the past, and my new skinny one. This still needed work, but it's neat to see where it was going.
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All Pictures are... Copy..writen.. By
Nathan.. Horsfall.. 2001..

I want someone to e-mail me and write me a big long explination as to why anyone in their right mind.. would ever steal this stuff.. please.. I must know the answer!