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All Pictures are.. uhh.. Copywriten By
Nathan Horsfall.. 2002..

But if you ACTUALLY would consider stealing this stuff.. you are BEYOND Pathetic..
Old School
A title I thought was appropriate for this section, "Old School" is my sketchbook from High school! So will these be masterpieces? Will the characters jump right off the pages? Will the detail rival the best Comic book out there? Um.. no..  This is stuff I'm COMPLETELY ashamed to say I liked, back in the day. But it's fun to see how artists get their start, I think, So Here it is! Try not to throw up on your keyboard.
Back when I first got into RPing, Fox used to hang out t the "Sector 5 Church" All the time. Back then, my AOL SN used to be "Foxx311" just in case you actually saw me! Anyway, I didn't really like where this was going, so I stopped it. And yes, I made Fox with long hair, and only because it wasn't a common thing.
Okay so.. try two.. I was really happy with this for awhile. His hand actually USED to be decent, but like a fool, I tried to ink it, and destroyed the whole thing.
You're gonna see alot of these around. They are very weird looking, but cool in their own way. See, in HS I was FORCED to keep a sketchbook, and since I sucked at charcters, I didnt have much to draw in it, usually. So one day, I sat down and drew shapes off shapes.. off shapes.. whatever came to mind. In the end, I got this crazy ass.. thing.. that you can actually look at from all angles, and see something. But it's fun.. it's like a stream of conscienceness, but with a drawing. I think I started with some triangle in the middle of the page for this one..
Drawing of a coke I had, on and airplane trip.
This was done when I visted Disneyworld 2 years ago, or something like that.. Anyway, I had to do this in about 5 minutes, as the boat was leaving! and then the building went behind some trees.. so.. damnit.
More of that wacky abstract randomness stuff.. This was done on the same plane as the coke.
Ever seen Disney's "Sleeping Beauty"?  If you havem you should recognize this dragon. "Malificent" I think it was.. Anyway, I have a big poster of a picture of her, in my room back home. And thats what I based this off of.
Okay so.. what the hell's going on with this...? Just more random crap. Did I mention I hated drawing in my sketchbook in HS?