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A sketch of my brother.. sketching! And what if he was sketching me.. sketching him!? It would be some kind of infinite loop thing! But.. he wasnt.
A sketch of my high school library.. without any people, papers, pencils.. and whatnot.
Another one of those werd abstract thingys..  This one, was more focused on different elements and crap.
Swords! Andother random things scattered around. The one with yellow energy around it, is actually Fox's, and I still think, to this day, thats one of my best drawings of it.
More swords! For this, me and my brother sat down and he pitched ideas at me like: Ice sword, Fire sword, wood sword. And I drew them. It was my challenge to him, that I could draw any one he named. I did all these in aout an hour.
A still life drawing of a remote control car my brother got for x-mas one year. The psycho is now dead.. after many times crashing down the stairs..
Another still life. this time of someone's CD player that was sitting on the lunchroom table.
Heres a guy I drew while he was playing cards.. and every time he would look down.. I would sketch more.. Little did he know that! Muahahaha! But he found out afterward.
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All Pictures are..  Copywriten By
Nathan Horsfall.. 2001..

I can't believe people would honestly steal this crap..