My guys, page 2
This guy is really basic, just some kind of a bandit or something, jumping onto a rooftop, with the sword drawn out. Something about this picture just bothers me, but when I show it to everyone else, EVERYONE likes it, so hey, you guys can see it too.
Another Basic one, this is just a normal average guy. See, I tend to draw alot of fighters, fantasy type things, and everything else BUT normal people usually. So after looking around at a few normal people, I whipped this up.
Like here for example, is a warrior-rambo type guy who I ALSO really dont like much, but people seem to not miss the fact that the foreshortening, and proportions, are very screwy. Whatever the case, I drew him, and so I'm going to display him. After all, I dont have any problems with showing people what I consider bad. Thats for you to decidce.
Noticing an improvement? I hope so, since I've been practicing really hard at getting better character drawings, this guy to me, looks alot better than most, even if he's simple.
This is one of my favorite characters I've drawn to date. I really like this guy especially because I drew him after watching a friend of mine, who draws characters amazingly, and I think this guy is at least 10 times better than anything else I'd drawn before. I liked him so much, that I decided to go in and ink in some areas to make it look better and stand out. No concept fot this guy, just fun to draw ^_^
Here's a guy thats just kinda jumping to a cliff. Again, no reason for it, I just draw up a pose, then added the backround it. It's a pretty neat way of drawing because even I don't know how it's going to turn out. But it can be frusterating when I can't find inspiration.
This is just some guy standing on a cliff as the wind whips his cape around. I dont really like how the cape turned out, because I wanted more of a flowing one rather than rigid.. but when you dont have anything to look at for reference, and you're just kinda pulling it out of nowhere, it's hard. But the backround is still pretty good.
Heres another non-fantasy type guy! It's a rocker if you can't tell. Again, just trying to do things I dont normally draw. So this kind of clothing style and attiude was new and fun too. One thing I find funny though is that one of my friends called this guy cute.. would someone explain me that concept!?
This has turned out to be one of my favorite drawings so far. It originally just started out as some knight kneeling on the ground, but as I messed with it more and more, I started adding shading, more detail, and before I knew it, I had practically a full piece on my hands. This is described by people as having alot of emotion to it, and I'd have to agree. By the way, the thing he's holding was originally just supposed to be the hilt of a sword, but someone said it looks like he got stabbed, and that works much better so I'll go with that!
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All Characters created by Nathan Horsfall
Copywrite 2002 and beyond