Freehand Misc Art, Page 3
Currently just a mess of drawings when I challeneged myself and my brother to draw as many different weapons as possible, in a set amount of time. The daggers I think I just did as much as I could fill the page with, and the spears, page 1 and 2, I believe we had a race to see how many we could come up with in 15-20 min. 3 and 4 were done after, with more time spent and some research actually done. Like drawing Freya's spear from FF9 and getting ideas.
You might recognize one of the spears on page 4.. I picked one, and actually made Cade based off that spear.
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All Pictures are created by Nathan Horsfall
Copyright 2007 and beyond
For a bit, I frequented the forums on Neon Dragon Art. This was to try and get myself drawing new and different things. It worked, for a bit, but the club I was in, dissolved.
Either way, I entered a contest for drawing dragons, and wanted to try something different from my usual style. I'm most happpy with the scales on this, and did what I could to make it not look like Fox.
The club was a weekly thing which would give us a topic, and we draw whatever we thought of. It was also meant to be fairly quick. 30-45 min max. So the topic for this was "A creature once used for war".

I wasn't satisfied about HOW it was used for war, so I drew these two action type poses to demonstate better.
This topic was: "Evil Undercover". I went with a comical take on it at first. A demon, failing so badly, at being under cover. "NEG" stands for "Not Evil Guy".
Part 2 of Evil Undercover. The reasons for drawing this one, should be pretty obvious.
"An Unearthly Landscape" was this one. I wanted to do something different.. so i set out to make the whole this basically melting at all times. Interesting experiment.
Same thing.. but comical! I dubbed this one "cube world".
This was probably the most complex one of all. "A Near Escape".
I wasn't sure if that meant "nearly escaped" or "nearly escaped- but didn't". So I went with something that could be taken different ways. I was pretty happy with it, though. it felt like a storyboard on an action scene.