The title of this picture is "Omniscient Night" and was done with scratchboard. Thats where you start with a black piece, and scratch off the black, to reveal the white under it. Basically, it's drawing in reverse. The picture was actually meant to be daytime, but I thought it looked better as night after I finished, hence the title. Plus, the clouds imply a storm coming.
Actual Size: 4x4
This is titled "A New Threat". It is called that because the character is Indiana Jones, and with all the problems he's had, I don't recall him ever taking on a mountain lion, so thats whats going on here. This was done with Colored pencils, and some black marker to add real good contrast. This picture was made from a shot of Harrison Ford, a lion, and the backround I totally made up myself.
Actual Size: 11x17
This is called "Passing Time". It is named that because the items drawn are all things pertaining to some type of game. Cards, anything with dice, and game pieces. We all grew up with this stuff before the advent of video games, so I thought the best way to decribe playing them would be "passing time". This was done with Colored pencils and even an xacto knife was used to get the white of the ace and other parts on the cards. I literally scraped away the color, to get very fine white lines. Took me FOREVER, but was worth it! My teacher still thinks I'm crazy for it, it's one of those class legend stories now *grin*
Actual Size: 8x11
"Cylinders" is the simple name of this one. It is done with Pen and ink, and what we had to do was to draw up 7 cylinders in some type of composition, and render them. It took me awhile to think this up, but finally I looked around and saw that (duh!) cans are cylinders! and cups, etc. So I drew up some type of table scene, and inked it all in.
Actual Size: 14x17
This is entitled "Frozen Forest". Pen and Ink was used again, this was an assignment for one of my high school art classes. We had to take 2 animals(minimum) and put them in some type of scene. I got a few tree references, but everything else I just made up out of my head. It was originally going to be springtime, but not ONLY did I not want to ink in every little blade, but also, it seemed to appeal more to winter.
Actual Size: 11x17
"Surreal" is the name of this one. I really enjoyed working on this, it was done in Colored pencils, yes, all of it. We had to make a room in a surreal environment, that was rendered very well, and had our face in it somewhere. I put in all kinds of things in this picture. My logo, Fox(my RP character), his sword, and a previous backround-like environment just to name a few. This is one of my favorite drawings.
Actual Size: 14x17
This is called "Ancient Art". It was done with colored pencils yet again. Thats my favorite medium, can ya tell? I called it Ancient Art because first off, it's an Egyptain scene. The hieroglyphics on the pillars make up my name, and then it's positioned in the desert, meant to look like it has been around for awhile, but not too long. To make this, I used the worksheat my teacher provided for the hieroglyphics, and made the scene up by..can you guess? My imagination! Just drew it up, and I'm very happy with the results.
Actual Size: 14x17
SunSet Lake is the title of this one. This is a very interesting picture because it was done with a method called "cut paper." Basically, you paint many strips of paper with colors you expect to use, then you cut them out and paste them onto the board until you make a picture out of it. Sound hard? It was, but very time consuming mostly. This was actually done in 9th gtade.. and the poor thing is falling to pieces. I'm glad I could get it up here before it's totally ruined.
Actual Size:6x16
This one I never titled, It's just a castle really. This was also done in 9th grade, and FAR more time consuming than sunset lake. Pointalism was the name of the game for this sucker.. It took about 10 weeks to complete, 45min a day and of course overtime when I took it home. Fot this, we took a picture of something(I chose a castle) and had to recreate it usuing pen pointalism. For those that don't know what that is, pointalism is when you make a picture only by using DOTS. That means dotting everything in, no lines, no shading, ALL WITH DOTS.. needless to say, I hated pointalism after this project.. but I still like how it turned out
Actual Size: 10x10
This was a 3 hour drawing using only black and white colored pencils where we had a model in the front of the room and had to draw him as best and as real looking as possible. The main thing here was to get the anatomy right, and I'm very pleased at how this came out. It's a little bigger than shown here, but the scanner only cut about an inch and I didn't feel like rescanning it.
Actual Size: 12x16
Wax Park is the title for this one. This was another very interesting project because it was created using wax, then watercolors. We took a hot wax tool and literally drew the wax onto the paper where we wanted the watercolors to stop. The wax lines are all the white lines on there. Then taking the watercolors, we just applied them to the paper using the colors we wanted. I was having a hard time with this.. ever try to draw with wax? it aint easy.. but i'm very very happy with the result. This goes down as one of my favs just because of how it was made.
Actual Size: 14x11
Self portrait time. The name of this is "Lets Get This Over With". I called it that because it looks like I'm realllllly bored and just want to stop working on that project. We had to pick a pose that we could hold for 10 weeks while we stared at ourselves in the mirror and drew, so i figured I may as well pick something that I could handle doing for 10 weeks. And what better pose than resting on my hand about to fall asleap?  I got extremely bored with this very fast, it was very hard also. Drawing yourself is a pain because you are very critcal, because it's you. We also had to put some funky thing in the backround, so I threw some blue gradient in there. Did this in high school, junior year, with pastels
Actual Size: 8.5x11
Another self portrait, The title is "Wanted". I call it that because I made my face too long and it looks like some criminal sketch you would see for some murderer or something like that. Still though, this looks more like me that the above. We only had 45 min to do this.. so I had to kinda rush. This was done with black and white "conte crayons", and what those are is basically like chalk. Like a mix between pastel and charcol. This was done my last year of high school also, and now that my real pic's on the net, you can look at it and compare the two.
Actual Size: 9x12
A project for a friend. This is actually one of the logos used in the Marines now! Because that friend o' mine, went to the Marines. The name of their group is called "The Black Angels of Death" I believe.. Or, "The Death Angels" one of those.

Full renders in various different mediums can be found right here. Most of it is amazingly from high school. Mostly because these days, I don't have the time for the kind of work involed in them. So enjoy whats here! Because few things on my site are as detailed (drawing wise) as these.
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All Pictures are created by Nathan Horsfall
Copywrite 2004 and beyond
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