What happens here is pretty simple. The first few shots are preparation for the next to come. She's putting on boots, and gloves, and stands up, showing the gun she has as well. She looks around, then dashes down the hall and checks aroun the corner. There she sees the gaurd, and not expecting that, quickly jumps back, and thinks what to do. She's the kind of girl who knows she can flaunt herself and get advantages from it.. so what she does is run her leg up and down the wall, to intice the guy to walk over. Though confused, he does, and she sticks the gun in his face, pulls the trigger but....
...The gun isn't firing. She keeps trying, but it's not working. Finally she realizes thats it's out of power.. and smiles innocently, slowly sneeking behind, and then quickly slams his head into the wall. But the alarm goes off! and she realizes she hit him INTO the alarm button. Feeling stupid, she quickly runs down the hall, but is being shot at, so she dives behind a row of boxes.....
Behind the Box, she takes a moment to gather herself, then activates her combat visor. Then she gets up on the Box, and shoots at the two attackers who are following her, picking them off with dead perfect accuracy, and deactivates it again. But she hears someone behind her, and spins around, kicking out the new attacker's legs and sending him flying over her. She completes her spin, and fires at him while in mid air, taking him out of commision, and then runs offscreen.
Storyboard Page 1
Storyboard Page 2
Storyboard Page 3
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All extremely simple sketches and storyboards are created by Nathan Horsfall
Copywrite 2002 and beyond
(why would anyone steal this stuff..?)
Alex's Story
Not really much of a story.. more or less, a small, part of one. This is a very very simply drawn storyboard for one of my animations I did in quarter 5. I didnt do all that's storyboarded here... because you see.. it was only supposed to be a 10 second animation, and mine ended up being 23 seconds, where I STOPPED. which was right after she looked around the corner and sees the man (page1). that right there, was 23 seconds.. so just think about how long the whole thing would be.. ugh..
Anyway, it's up, and it's not much as far as drawings go, but it's a storybaord with her. I'd love to show my final animation.. but I cant upload it.. *sigh* this is as close as i can get.