Negatives Sheet 1
Negatives Sheet 2
Negatives Sheet 3
Negatives Sheet 4
Negatives Sheet 5
Due to popular demand, mostly just friends spazzing out when I tell them I have photography too.. (why, I'll never know) I have created a page for my photos done in High School! There really isn't that much, but It's better than nothing of course. The negatives I also had, I put into separite links because they are VERY big, so you can actually see the pictures. And trust me, waiting for those suckers to load every time, would suck. So just click away, and I hope you enjoy them!
Part of the "Abstract Series" This is my bed, and bedpost. These came out actually the best, out of anything I had done. The reflections and contrast in lighting, was just awesome.
More of the Abstract Series, this is one of my all time favorites. Thats again, my bed and post, but it almost looks like a snake to me. Reflections are fun..
Yet again, more of the same. I really liked the look of the bed on this, but the contrast didn't turn out as nice.
I love this one, it's just so abstract, and yet so cool at the same time. Plus, the contrast is awesome. Can you guess? yes, it's my bed and post again.
One of my first photos, there are obvious probalem with this. Like the rip in the background i didn't notice til AFTER the fact. But still, it turned out okay.
More of the first batch, just two goblets. I like the composition though, the shadow seems to balance it all out.
Goblets again! I really like how the lower shadow goes directly into the upper goblet. The composition is just really nice.
Negative Sheets
Portrait Pictures
One segment where we had to do portraits of someone. I picked my friend Andy Gear, since he was pretty much the only person I could find.. But It was good, I just didn't know what the hell to have him do! Anyway, it's unfortunate, but i've lost contact with him.. No idea what he's doing these days..
Big prints of my neagitve sheets. Which is the roll of film, layed out so all can be seen on one page. I'd say 80% of these were never used. But that never stoped me from showing people before! Go ahead and look, but again, be warned.. they are huge files.
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All Pictures are Property of:
Nathan Horsfall

Copywrite 2002 and beyond
This is called "One and One Half". This is a photograph of my brother that was solarized, or half solarized as the case may be. It was MEANT to be fully solarized, but for some reason, it only solarized half of it. If you don't know what solarization is, DON'T ASK! It would take a very long time to explain. Just know it makes very good results sometimes.
Heres another photograph! Title for this is "Treehouse". Thats my brother again, My shots of him actually came out as some of the best. Theres nothing tricky about this except that we "seapia toned" the photo to make that browning tan tint to it. That was just a process of alot of dying, but it looks pretty cool I think, so i threw it up here.
More Photos can be found here: