There are many things that I have done, which could be considered professional Quality. But in most cases, those things were done for free, or for my own personal benefit. The things found on this page however, are works I actually was paid for.
Broken up into 2 different sections, and with luck, they will all grow!
One of my online friends actually belonged to a band. We've known eachother for awhile, and he knows that I can draw. So he commisioned me to do some concept work and ultimately, create a logo for the band. The concept work can be found here, as well as the final result.
In the videogame Unreal Tournament 2004, I did a clan logo for a group who I really liked, and they liked the one so much that they hired me on as their official "Graphic Artist". So under this page, you'll find all the banners and logos and everything else I've done for them.
I never actually got paid for these, I did them on my own free time, just because I wanted to. On here is currently a Red skin, based off my bird character, and a modified skin from that, made into a chocobo.
3d and 2d Animation
Demonstrating Animation Abilities
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