Peasent Log
Ah, the poor peasents, how I mistreat them so..
But hey, it's funny fight? Yeah, it is.
So why don't you read the history of their abuse?
You cruel bastard you.

::And the peasents rejoiced::


Update! Update!

::And there was much rejoicing::


Hmm.. haven't updated in awhile..

::And the peasents stoped rejoicing, and started rioting::


Hey! Look! Updated!

::And the peasents stop the rioting, and go back to rejoicing::


Happy 4th of July everyone! here's an update!

::And the peasents light off a slew of fireworks, instead of rejoicing::


Alright.. so its been awhile since i last updated...

::And the peasents, outraged, go off to recreate the LA riots::



::And the peasants continue rioting, but, rioting with joy. And rejoicing too::


Ehh.. so i haven't updated in a few months...

::And the peasants, furious at the lack of update, call the cops and send him to jail, where some big burly man will most certainly do terrible and unspeakable things to him::



Alright alright.. we're updated people!

::and the peasants throw a massive party and party for hours into the night, before all passing out, drunk off their ass::


Haven't updated in awhile..  But i've been busy...

::And the peasants, so deprived from an update.. stagger, and fall over dead::



Okay.. back on track! Updated! MASSIVELY!

::And the new peasants, ordered from the peasent store, arrive.. and commence the rejoicing::


Bwhahaha, another update!

::And the new peasnts, still rejoicing from the last one, jump up and rejoice even MORE, if thats even possible::


Site overhauled, and updated!

::and the new peasants, bust out some new breakdancing moves to go along with the constant rejoicing. Cheering like insane groupies::


Annnnnnnnnd one more update! All done!

::And the new peasents, not being able to handle so much rejoicing, pass out and fall on the ground, dead::

Er..  whoops again.. I guess too much of a good thing is.. well.. bad.. :;sighs and orders some more::


Hell.. haven't updated in awhile..

::And the new NEW peasents, just arriving, bust right out of the box and right away, start ranting and raving::

-_- not off to a good start..


Update! Update! And a BIG one at that!

::and the new NEW peasants, stop the madness, and get to rejoicing::

Thats more like it..


Alright.. one more update! then off to SF!

::And the new NEW peasants break into song and dance, and then cry because who knows how long the next update will be..::


Hey! the people I'm staying with have a scanner! So it's update time!

::and the new NEW peasnts, jump up out of their depression and start rejoicing instantly::


Okay, time for an up-
...alright.. now where was I.. oh yeah.. I was going to-
::grinding teeth:: Okay.. I'm just going to-

::And the new NEW peasents fall over dead because the system that keeps them rejoicing, just crashed::


With the first peasents dead.. and the next.. and now my LAST peasents.. due to a system overload and crash.. now gone.. I must resort to Peasents.. 2.0!
Jump up and rejoice, for I am DONE with the revisions!

::and the newest peasents, Peasents 2.0, leap up and start the rejoicing instantly. Partying long into the night and the day after.. and the day after.. and the day after...::


Man.. it sure has been a long time since I updated this thing..

::And the peasents, agreeing fully with that statement, bust out the torches and pitchforks and go marching to Nate's house, demanding an update::

Er.. ::looks out the window:: Oh hell..


Ah.. finally back to updating..

::and the peasents who were last seen outside nate's door with spears and pitchforks and flames.. two months ago, have ACTUALLY killed him already, and Nate is actually in hell.::

O.o ::looks around:: whoa.. damn.. when did this happen?


Well i tried to update.. but .. umm..

::and the peasents who have killed Nate. sit back and watch him suffer on the new Fox reality TV show: "When bastards get whats coming to them"::

::locked in a room with his eyes wired open.. watching.. the entire season of Hamtaro.. over.. and over.. and over..::

Yay! Eat THAT Satan! ::Locks HIM in that damn room with Hamtaro::
Oh yeah.. update..

::And the peasants go on strike until they receive the next update::


Ah HA! Updated!

::And the peasants, coming back from strike, rejoice and dance around like fools::


One more update before i jet to E3

::and the peasents.. jealous like all of Nate's friends.. Pay Satan some more money to make sure he gets an extra helping of misery::

::Still watching Hamtaro.. what could be worse?  Oh god.. Hamtaro.. and JPOP BLASTING ON HEADPHONES WIRED TO HIS SKULL?!::


Annnnd we're done! Woohoo!
::And the peasents, seeing what Nate updated, Decide to let him out of Hell now. He must have learned his lesson..
and if not.. well who cares! That was one hell of an update.::


Hi! Yeah, I'm not dead. Just busy. Hmm.. 6 months since the last update.. ouch..:
:And the Peasents, feeling like fools for actually thinking Nate MIGHT have learned his Lesson..
Contemplate more drastic measures than Satan.. Jpop.. and Hamtaro. What could POSSIBLY be worse?::
Hey I'm working on it..! Don't do anything stupid now..


In typical Fashion, I have now updated 6 something months of stuff, in 1 week! Woo!

::and the peasents, who were going to give Nate unspeakable torture.. decide to put it off for next time.. and go look at all the happy updates.
And there was much rejoicing::


Right.. So this has been the longest non-updating I've ever had.. Um.. sorry about that!

::and the peasents, have now all died in the long wait for their art.. But hearing that Nate is IN FACT still alive, and will ACTUALLY update.. Rise from their dark graves to become.. ZOMBIE PEASENTS!::

Zombie Peasents:  ::moaning and shuffling forward slowly:: Aaaaarrrrttt..... Aaaarrrrrttttt...

O.o  wuh oh..


You didn't believe that it would ever happen, but I've updated almost all the site! At least with new art stuff...

::And the Zombie Peasents, go to work sucking all the.. art.. out of the art.. or something..::

Hmm.. this is kinda messy.. ::hoists up the shotgun and starts mowing em down::


9 Months.. 3-4 Days of updates.. and I'm done! For now anyway.

::And the Zombie Peasents, well.. they're kinda dead.. So...::

Crap... Uh.. ::looks around and sticks "yay NATE!" flags in their servered hands, and walks away whistling innocently::


The Incredibles movie is out! The NDA is Lifted! It's update time.

::And the peasents who were gone, have now been replaced. Peasent's 3.0! And they cheer, and rejoice. The Incredibles movie is out.. and now everyone gets to see the animation done for both games! What could be better? ::

Actually, you get something more than just that.....




And we're back. Well, I'm back. Read the Update section to find out whats new.

::And the peasents are on backorder::


First REAL Update of the year. Um, booya.

::And the peasents have arrived, though they're cheap wind up ones.
And Nate has to sit there winding them all for a good 5 days before they can all rejoice::

*Sigh* They just don't make peasents like they used to.. it's 2005! We're still using WIND UP!?


Hey lookie, an update! Small, but hey..

::And the wind up peasents, who were actually rejoicing for a good few weeks before this update, are now out of power again and need to be re-wound::

.... ARGH! That does it.. I'm ordering new ones... this is rediculous..


Another update guys! Keeping on tabs, or trying to.

::And the peasents are currently being delivered.. but ah,. it's a Saturday. No deliveries on Saturday::

hmmm.. ::draws up some peasents and tapes them to the board:: yay.. woo..


Yahoo! A big update today! Well big for me. Read below. You know the drill.

::And the peasents HAVE ARRIVED! Just in time for some kickass art goodness! And thus, there was much rejoicing::

Ahhh.. Music to my ears..


Ah just a small update today. Or kinda big.. depends on how you look at it..

::And the peasents aren't really sure how to react to that.. so they sorta.. kinda rejoice.. Eyeing Nate suspiciously::

What? It's an update..


Check it out! I updated before I fly back to NY! And I even added.. ::drumroll:: Fox Vs Red stuff!

::And the peasents, who have only HEARD, never seen, anything about FVR.. Go into insanely huge fits of rejoicing, clawing after the updates like wild rabid animals on crack::

Now THAT.. is a reaction I like to see.. ::steps aside so he doesn't get mauled over by the stampede::


Remember that little project I've been working on on and off since January? Yeah, wanna see some more of it?

::And the peasents know damn well what that is.. Thats Fox Vs Red.. FVR! FVR!!!!
The anticipation is too much, and they burst into screams of joy and rush for the new art psychotically, killing anyone who gets in the way::

Ahhh.. the pitter patter of little rampaging nutcases.. How I love the sound..


Got an update! New logos for a UT Community Project.
Also.. for Employers looking for Artist's/Animators, I have a Demo Reel ready to send off anytime I'm asked for it. Just email me. Thanks.

::And the peasents, rabid for new art.. Go running off to see the latest.. but stop once they notice professional employers are watching them.. and this site. Prefering not to look like total loons, they then decided to calmly walk over and check out the art without viciously killing people like last time..::


Another Update! Only 10 days apart from the last one! Amazing huh? I'm on a roll ^_-

::And the peasents, barely over viewing the other art.. go dive at the second batch. Though obviously tired, and don't quite make it there before collapsing::

Hmmm.. damn.. Forgot to wind them back up.. ::gets to work on that::

I updated again! Probably the last one for awhile. Well.. except for when I animate Fox...

::And the peasents, now wound back up, go charging for the new art. However, hearing something about "animating Fox", they promptly stop and explode into pieces from the excitement overload.::

...... Aw hell. ::sigh:: good peasents are so hard to come by these days..


Hey! You out there! yeah, you. I updated FVR. Fox is animated. Go check it out!

::And the peasents, newly replaced, go diving at the animation like rabid wolves. Rabid wolves.. who like art.. ..yeah..::

It's cool to get that reaction.. but man.. I really don't want rabies...


Hi! I'm back! with tons of updates and MORE FVR Updates, People! Fox's Intro is (animation wise), finished. Now how about that?

And the Peasents, rush the FVR site.. But then back away screaming because they mistake Fox for being a real dragon, hell bent on kicking their ass::

Awwww don't worry guys! He's not gonna hurt you.. he's just showing off..


Ahem.. so.. yeah, I updated this thing again.. It's been- well, the longest I've ever NOT updated before.. But I'm trying to make up for it! Really...
.... Um.. anyone still alive..?

::And the peasents.. are, well.. dead. They're all dead.::

.... Ahhh hell. That was bound to happen again, eventually..

What Doth Life? I don't know.. I haven't had a life for the past uhh.. 4-5 months. But, the main reason for that.. is now out in the public!

::And the new Peasents, wandering in from all corners of the globe, curiously peek over to check what was going on:::

Xavier: Renegade angel.  Read below for more.

Life: The great update killer. And peasent killer... Yeah..

::The peasents are dead. Again. famished for updates. Let down again!::

I wonder when people are going to start arresting me for Peasent Abuse.......

*Last on 8/22/08*


Another Year down. And the least updates of all time!

::And the peasents.. Who am I kidding? They all left by now. Wouldn't you?::

Yeah... Maybe next year will be better.

*Last on 12/13/08*
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Alright.. thats enough abuse..